Artis Trading Export

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Masks from Artis Trading

Artis Trading offers a wide range of masks, as well as filters and other accessories. These products meet the current safety and Occupational Health and Safety as they are manufactured using high-quality materials; therefore, we can offer our customers masks that guarantee your employees’ safety.


Full mask Half mask Mask Surgical mask
- Full mask
(protects eyes and airways
from smoke, gases toxic
vapours and dust)
- Half mask
(protects airways from
smoke, gases, vapours
and dust)
- Mask
(protects airways from dust)
- Surgical mask
(especially for use in health
work to protect from bacteria
and liquids)

Artis Trading

We specialize in exporting all types of construction, industrial and mining equipment and machinery to North and Central Africa (MauritaniaMoroccoSenegal or Mali), as well as providing consultation to companies wishing establish branches in these countries.