Artis Trading Export

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Gate valves

Gate valves from Artis Trading

Gate valves open and close by the vertical movement of an internal wedge-shaped part that fits into the valve body, allowing the passage of fluids. This wedge can be covered with rubber or a special metal to ensure a perfect seal.

Gate valves are distinguished by their seal, which in this case is achieved by a gate seating in two areas distributed throughout the contours of both sides of the disc, which can be parallel or wedge-shaped. These types of valves are not used for regulation.

Our products:
Threaded stainless steel gate valve Flanged gate valve Gate valves with threaded and flanged forged steel body and bonnet
- Threaded stainless
steel gate valve

(size: 1/2" to 2")
- Flanged gate valve
(size: 2" to 12")
- Gate valve with threaded and flanged
forged steel body and bonnet

(size: 1/2" to 2")

Artis Trading

We specialize in exporting all types of construction, industrial and mining equipment and machinery to North and Central Africa (MauritaniaMoroccoSenegal or Mali), as well as providing consultation to companies wishing establish branches in these countries.