Artis Trading Export

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Relief valves

Relief valves from Artis Trading

Relief valves, also known as pressure relief valves or safety valves, are used to release fluid when the internal pressure exceeds the established threshold. The purpose of these valves is to prevent explosions, the failure of equipment or pipe due to excessive pressure. There is also a type of relief valves that release the fluid when the temperature exceeds pre-set limits, and are known as pressure and temperature relief valves.

Our products:
Brass safety valve with gauged and threaded ends Bronze safety valve with gauged and threaded ends Adjustable safety valve Safety valve with flanged ends (large size)
- Brass safety valve with
gauged and threaded ends

(size: 1/2" to 11/4")
(gauged from 3 to 10 kg)
- Bronze safety valve with
gauged and threaded ends

(size: 11/2" to 2")
(gauged from 3 to 6 kg)
- Adjustable safety valve
(size: 3/8" to 2")
- Safety valve with flanged
ends (large size)

(size: 2" to 12")


Artis Trading

We specialize in exporting all types of construction, industrial and mining equipment and machinery to North and Central Africa (MauritaniaMoroccoSenegal or Mali), as well as providing consultation to companies wishing establish branches in these countries.