Artis Trading Export

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Home Export products Industrial valves Pressure reducing valves

Pressure reducing valves

Pressure reducing valves from Artis Trading

Pressure reducing valves restrict the flow of fluid in order to achieve a constant outlet pressure. The fluid enters and passes between a seat and a shutter, which are separated by the pressure of the springs on the membrane and the bridge. As the pressure increases in the valve, the membrane compress the spring pressing the shutter down onto the seat in order to close the valve. When the pressure descends, the springs raise the shutter again and open the fluid flow.

Our products:
Pressure reducing valves threaded and fittings ends Flow meters for pressure reducing valvesPressure reducing valves accessories
- Pressure reducing valve
threaded and fittings ends

(size: 3/8" to 4")
- Flow meters and other pressure
reducing valves accessories


Artis Trading

We specialize in exporting all types of construction, industrial and mining equipment and machinery to North and Central Africa (MauritaniaMoroccoSenegal or Mali), as well as providing consultation to companies wishing establish branches in these countries.